Pilates through Pregnancy

Prenatal and Postnatal Pilates Program

We specialize in Prenatal and Postnatal Pilates. All sessions are conducted by our BASI Pilates Instructors with specialization in prenatal and postnatal exercise through advanced education coursework. We offer Private, Semiprivate, and Mat classes tailored to the expecting or new mother. 

Pilates helps maintain strength and flexibility while improving posture and balance. Pilates throughout pregnancy encourages mindful exercise to alleviate common discomforts associated with the changing body. Pilates focuses on restoring and strengthening the abdominal wall and lumbar/pelvic region while improving pelvic floor control. The right exercise program Postpartum can help needs such as body malalignment, diastasis recti, weakened core musculature, back and pelvic pain, and postural dysfunction from caring for a baby.